Temporary closures

中里の庄ー和 オーナーシェフの牧田です。 年末に入り忙しい日々が続きますね、 12月23日は臨時休業させて頂きます。 皆様にはご迷惑をお掛けします。 宜しくお願いいたします。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

Notice of temporary closure

中里の庄ー和 オーナーシェフの牧田です。 女将がインフルエンザにかかりお休みをいただきます。 9日から13日迄定休日を挟みお休みします。 ご迷惑をお掛けします。おいでの際は、お電話にて確認、御予約をお願いいたします。jLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

Temporary closure (9 days))

中里の庄ー和 オーナーシェフの牧田です。 夕方になり急に寒くなりますね。 体調管理には気を付けてくださいね。 さて、12月9日は急用の為臨時休業させて頂きます。 ご迷惑をお掛けしますが、よろしくお願いします。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

Scheduled to be closed during the year-end and New Year holidays

中里の庄ー和 店長の牧田です。 ようやくイチョウの葉が黄色くなりました。この時期にしては暖かい日々が続きますね、 でも12月かなあと疑いたくなる気候です。 年末年始の予定です。遅くなり済みませんでした。 12月26日から1月4日までお休みを頂きます。 本年もご利用頂き感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。新年は予定では3月まで営業して、 その後移転先にて営業予定です。随時皆様には状況をインスタグラム等にて報告致します。 宜しくお願いします。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

Notice of temporary closure

I'm Makita, the owner chef of Nakazato no Showa. Due to the unseasonable weather, natural potatoes are not growing very well, and farmers are having a hard time. I would like to purchase as good products as possible, but it is often difficult. I will do my best to make everyone happy and eat natural potatoes. By the way, on November 18th, we will take a day off to make cedar balls. We look forward to seeing you again. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Full Seat Notice

I'm Makita, the owner chef of Nakazato no Showa. It's getting a lot colder, so please be aware of the change in temperature. It was sold out on Sunday, November 10th. We look forward to seeing you again. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Full Seat Notice

I'm Makita, the owner chef of Nakazato no Showa. It's getting a lot cooler. It's the time of year when you can enjoy the taste of autumn. October 27(Day)was fully booked. We look forward to seeing you again. It is very crowded at noon, so please be sure to call us to make a reservation. Thank you. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Notice of temporary closure

I'm Makita, the owner chef of Nakazato no Showa. It's getting much cooler in the mornings and evenings. Please take care of your physical condition, we will be temporarily closed on October 15th. We apologize for the inconvenience. We look forward to seeing you again. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Notice of temporary closure

I'm Makita, the owner chef of Nakazato no Showa. The mornings and evenings have become much cooler, but it is summer during the day, so please take care of your physical condition. The relocation of the new store is also currently underway. We will keep you updated. October 6(Day)We will be temporarily closed for various purposes. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


I'm Makita, the owner chef of Nakazato no Showa. Thank you very much for using our shop on a daily basis. This time, our shop has been relocated, we have been operating in a wonderful environment for 10 years, We are grateful to many people for coming. In the future, I will think of a plan to take a new step forward and always move forward. We are planning with the feeling that we want to be a store that will make everyone happy. We will be open for business this year more than usual. The new location is scheduled to open in March. In November, new natural potatoes will arrive. We want to deliver delicious natural potatoes to everyone so that they will be happy. I will do my best. We will keep you informed of the new location. We sincerely hope that you will be able to use the store in Setonoya until the end. If you don't understand, I would appreciate it if you could contact me. Thank you. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.